
Salkehatchie Summer Service is a pioneering servant ministry at selected sites in South Carolina involving high school and college age youth, adult community leaders and persons of different cultures. Participants upgrade housing and motivate community cooperative efforts by helping persons to help themselves. This service provides all participants with opportunities for personal growth and service. Students must be 14 years old by the beginning of the camp they attend. SUMC youth and adults have actively participated in this ministry for many years.

The program of the SC Conference Board of Global Ministries consists of over 50 camps for UM youth. During the week participants physically improve homes of needy families and reach out to these families and one another in friendship.

Many of our neighbors in SC live in homes needing repair and Jesus has called us to love our neighbor (Luke 10:29-37).

This service provides all participants with opportunities for personal growth and service. Students must be 14 years old by the beginning of the camp they attend. SUMC youth and adults have actively participated in this ministry for many years.

The program of the SC Conference Board of Global Ministries consists of over 50 camps for UM youth. During the week participants physically improve homes of needy families and reach out to these families and one another in friendship.

Many of our neighbors in SC live in homes needing repair and Jesus has called us to love our neighbor (Luke 10:29-37).

Let us celebrate those among us who take on this mission for a people in need.

